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306 Videos found
زخم (Absent Wound)
Maryam Tafakory
"[...] craving for narrative" lässt sich einfach nicht gut übersetzen
Max Grau
Juha van Ingen
02°56'50''W 53°25'04''N
Dirk Königsfeld
2304 is a Beer Drinking Year
Jen Liu
25 Secrets
Eric Fleischhauer
3 Logical Exits
Mahdi Fleifel
3 Minutes in America
Kai Zimmer
A Boy Needs A Friend
Steve Reinke
Abode of Vacancy
Tanja Deman
Agrippa: De occulta philosophia
Gábor Bódy
Folkmar Hein
Llurex (Egon Bunne)
All together now
Harry Dodge
Stanya Kahn
All's fair in Love and War
Rebecca Loyche
Alles bestens – Videolieder (Everything’s Just Fine – Video Songs)
Herbert Wentscher
Constantin Hartenstein
Saara Ekström
An Infinite Night
Geoffrey Garrison
Anteroom of the Real
Lina Selander
Zanny Begg
Oliver Ressler
Arriving Without Leaving (Guaranteed Happy Ending)
Lucy Pawlak
Artist's Statement
Adela Jušić
As If Memories Could Deceive Me
Marcel Odenbach
As Inside As The Eye Can See
Casilda Sanchez
Manon de Boer
Aura Dies Hard (Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Copy)
Nate Harrison
Außer Sichtweite - ganz nah (Out of Sight – Close Up)
Moira Zoitl
Bacon's Dog
Dani Marti
Ruth Kaaserer
Roland Schappert
Michael Ebmeyer
Bassae Bassae
Raphaël Siboni
Fabien Giraud
Michaela Schweiger
Believe it or not
Astrid Heibach
Birds of my weakness
Úna Quigley
Black Code / Code Noir
Louis Henderson
Black hole
Johanna Reich
Black Lead
Corine Stübi
Blauer Würfel (Blue Cube)
Alwin Lay
Blithe Tragedy
Ran Huang
Bodybuilder Vignettes
Rachel Rampleman
Bog Razarijo
Ivo Deković
Christine de la Garenne
Christoph Brech
Buck Fever
Andrew Hull
Peter Freund
Casting Jesus
Christian Jankowski
Celebration (Cyprus Street)
Melanie Manchot
Connie Walsh
Julie Kuzminska
Children of the devil
Mariola Brillowska
Civil Twilight at the Vernal Equinox
Emily Vey Duke
Cooper Battersby
Erik Levine
Dor Guez
Comfort Women Wanted
Chang-Jin Lee
Contemporary Case Studies
Janet Merewether
Jan Verbeek
Coup de Vent
Jean-François Guiton
Dark Matter
Viktor Brim
Das Schwarze Loch
Jean-François Guiton
Das Wesen der Verwandlung
Monika Funke Stern
Dauernd musst Du etwas machen was keinen Anfang und kein Ende hat
Jos Diegel
Days in Night
Thomas Kneubühler
Dear Lorde
Emily Vey Duke
Cooper Battersby
Deep Sleep
Dennis Del Favero
Mindy Faber
Déploiements (Deployments)
Stéphanie Lagarde
Der Käfig
Jean-François Guiton
Der Versuch des Schmetterns (The attempt of smashing)
Stefanie Ohler
Desire INC
Lynn Hershman
Diarios de trabajos (Work Diaries)
Paula Ábalos
Diary of a Midlife Crisis
Judy Fiskin
Die Flutung von Viktoria
Ulu Braun
Die Jogginggehenmuse-massnahme
Nadja Verena Marcin
Die Wilderin vom Montafon (The poacher of Montafon)
Evamaria Schaller
Anna Zett
Dirt Site
Alexander Hahn
Sanaz Sohrabi
Elkin Calderón Guevara
Layton Lachman
Double Exposure
Ingel Vaikla
Dream Water Wonderland
Ute Hörner
Mathias Antlfinger
Earthly Powers
Tobias Yves Zintel
Eat me
Lia Anna Hennig
Eden's Edge
Gerhard Treml
Leo Calice
ein tisch, zwei teller...
Elkin Calderón Guevara
Diego Piñeros García
El jardín de los faunos (The Garden of Fauns)
Pol Merchan
El primero que ría (The first one to laugh)
Mauricio Limón
Elevación (Elevation)
Ana María Millán
En Route
Fabian Winkler
Harald F. Müller
Endearing Insanity
Poyen Wang
Energie sombre
Florian Pugnaire
David Raffini
Episodes of Starlite I-V
Frances Scholz
Clemens Krauss
Benjamin Heisenberg
Every Picture Is an Empty Picture
Christoph Faulhaber
Fallende Scheibe (falling disk)
Dieter Kiessling
Shezad Dawood
Michaël Gaumnitz
Fifth Wall
Daniel Laufer
Fish Soup
Ulu Braun
Alexej Tchernyi
Flexing Muscles
Charles Fairbanks
Fliegenschwimmen (Fly Swimming)
Claudia Waldner
Fracht (Freight)
Jana Eske
Fragments untitled #3
Frankensteins Scheidung (Frankensteins Divorce)
Monika Funke Stern
Freeroam À Rebours, Mod#I.1
Stefan Panhans
Friends he lost at sea
Henrik Lund Jørgensen
fuck the war
Beate Geissler
Oliver Sann
Nick Jordan
Future in the Past
Susanne Wiegner
Gegenüber [Ein Stehtanz]
Kalin Lindena
Get Your Gun Up
Alex McQuilkin
Ghost Light
Timoteus Anggawan Kusno
Girl Power
Sadie Benning
Nurit Sharett
Half Wet
Carlos Irijalba
Hard As Opal
Jared Buckhiester
Dani ReStack
Heimkino [Amateurfilm]
Mischa Kuball
Hello Hollow
Julia Oschatz
Here is the Imagination of the Black Radical
Rhea Storr
Hommage an Schwitters
Annebarbe Kau
Honest Lies
Gabriele Stellbaum
Horizontal Standing
Hilla Ben Ari
How To
Connie Walsh
How to Build a Mountain
Sabrina Labis
Hunting Grounds
Erik Schmidt
HYSTERIA 2.0.0 v01
Amina Handke
I remember
Helena Öhman
I Signed The Petition
Mahdi Fleifel
Ifu Elimnyama (The Dark Cloud)
Russel Hlongwane
Im Auge
Tamara Grčić
Im Nebensinn von Dagmar und Doris (In the Subsense of Dagmar and Doris)
Jasmin Bigler
Nicole Weibel
Adam Vackar
In Flow of Words
Eliane Esther Bots
In the Air Tonight
Andrew Norman Wilson
In the event of Amnesia the city will recall
Denis Beaubois
Teboho Edkins
Ink in Milk
Gernot Wieland
Intellectual Properties
John Adams
Jan Verbeek
Interview with Tony Smith
Nina Maria Küchler
Irony (The Abyss of Speech)
Ken Feingold
Is that all there is?
Siri Harr Steinvik
Ignas Krunglevičius
It Hasn't Happened To Us Yet. Safe Haven
Chto Delat
Jättiläiset (Giants)
Fanni Niemi-Junkola
Maryna Makarenko
Istvan Kantor
Karaoke Wrong Number
Rachel Perry
La Tâche
Jean-François Guiton
La Vida es Una Herida Absurda (Life is an Absurd Wound)
Ken Feingold
Nora Fisch
Laboratory Life / Film 3
Andreas Bunte
Laboratory Life / Film 6
Andreas Bunte
Laboratory Life / Film 9
Andreas Bunte
Last Man
Dana Levy
Le nouveau OMIZA
Ute Hörner
Mathias Antlfinger
Le Park (The Park)
Randa Maroufi
Le Spectre Silencieux du Mouvement (The Silent Spectre of Motion)
Bridget Walker
LEAP after The Great Ecstasy
Melanie Manchot
Leonie Saint
Jana Debus
Let the user speak next
Nick Jordan
An van. Dienderen
Lip Sync 2015
Julia Scher
Liquid Ice
Dalibor Martinis
Local Ride
Jan Verbeek
looking for the nice ones...
Susanne Winterling
Losing my face
Liu Guangyun
Lost Book Found
Jem Cohen
Lupi Lupi Lu
Adam Castle
Annebarbe Kau
Mad Ladders
Michael Robinson
Mãos Mortas (Dead Hands)
Arthur Tuoto
Maybe Not
Oliver Pietsch
Mental Radio
Tobias Yves Zintel
Metamorphic Rock
Jan Adriaans
Minimal Sway While Starting My Way Up
Stéphanie Lagarde
Miss Nice-Looking
Chi-Yu Liao
Module 002 / Restraum
Meggie Schneider
Martijn Veldhoen
MOSAMO (ancestral alterations)
My faith
Barbara Hlali [Barbara Schmidt]
Annebarbe Kau
Next year in Jerusalem (Hommage a Rabbi Löw)
Michael Bielický
Norden (North)
Britt Dunse
Julian Lee
Not a Jealous Bone
Cecelia Condit
Obraza - The Offence
Karolina Bregula
Ode to Seekers 2012
Andrew Norman Wilson
Ohne Titel (NYC)
Annebarbe Kau
Omnia Communia Deserta
Mona Vatamanu
Florin Tudor
On Wednesday Night in Tokyo
Jan Verbeek
One Minute in America
Kai Zimmer
One Real Hour
Miriam Gossing
Lina Sieckmann
Rebecca Ann Tess
Jan Verbeek
Outline for The Bonding
Michelle-Marie Letelier
Paradise Later
Ascan Breuer
Jean-François Guiton
Passage Sets
Bill Seaman
Dieter Kiessling
People who trash elevators
Katja Davar
Magdalena von Rudy
Pigeons and Architecture
Anne Linke
Pigs in Progress
Kerstin Honeit
Platon's Mirror
Mischa Kuball
Stefan Panhans
Projecte E/F
Mireia c. Saladrigues
Projektion auf die Krise (Gauweilereien in München)
Philipp Gufler
Racing clocks run slow: Archaeology of a Racetrack
Shimon Attie
Rapture (silent anthem)
Angelica Mesiti
Daniel Frerix
David Sarno
Raymond Tallis - On Tickling
Johan Grimonprez
Real World [still toddling]
Halina Kliem
Gonzalo H. Rodriguez
Tris Vonna-Michell
Resusci Anne
Ida Kammerloch
Rhabarber Boy
Ulu Braun
Rigor Mortis
Benedikt Gahl
Veit Kowald
Sans Titre
Stéphanie N'Duhirahe
Scenes from Trial and Error
Tekla Aslanishvili
Alex Gerbaulet
Self-portrait with mother
Maria Tobola
Shot through
Tom Dale
Sirene (Siren)
Freya Hattenberger
Nadja Verena Marcin
Six Easy Pieces
Reynold Reynolds
Slideshow Johnny
Martin Skauen
Antti Tanttu
Stage II
Mischa Kuball
Stehen – fallen – Häuser
Gabriele Seifert
Still Lifes
Erik Levine
Still Live
Bernd Kracke
Stones Make the Rivers Move
Maria Antelman
Strohhalm Rot-Weiß (Straw Red-White)
Alwin Lay
Successive Inconceivable Events
Richard Turner Walker
Bjørn Melhus
Katarzyna Kozyra
Surface Glaze
Lotte Meret Effinger
Świeże wiśnie (Fresh Cherries)
Anna Baumgart
Tao Te Ching
Mateusz Sadowski
Tetescha us [She is crossing borders]
Stefanie Wuschitz
Tahireh Lal
The Butterfly Story I
Marina Gržinić
Aina Šmid
The Cusp of Your Credenza
Anita Delaney
The Cut
Geoffrey Garrison
The Disappeared
Adam Kaplan
Gilad Baram
The Double
Jan Dietvorst
Roy Villevoye
The Fourfold
Alisi Telengut
The Future Queen of the Screen
Helen Benigson
The Game of Art
Ditte Ejlerskov
The Garden (21st Century Amateur Film)
Tamás Waliczky
The Good Life (a guided tour)
Katleen Vermeir
Ronny Heiremans
The Mirroring Cure
Charlotte Ginsborg
The Moon Goose Colony
Agnes Meyer-Brandis
The Pavilion
Jasmina Cibic
The Rumour of True Things
Paul Bush
The Smallest Particle
Ken Feingold
The Woman, The Orphan and The Tiger
Jane Jin Kaisen
Guston Sondin-Kung
Things That Leave Me Sleepless
Gernot Wieland
This is good for you
Jacqueline Forzelius
This Is Not A Competition
Ale Bachlechner
Three sisters
Marina Gržinić
Aina Šmid
Tiefenschärfe / Depth of Field
Alex Gerbaulet
Mareike Bernien
Tiemperos Del Antropoceno: TOLCHIKAUALISTLI (Timekeepers of the Anthropocene: TOLCHIKAUALISTLI)
Federico Cuatlacuatl Teles
Trading Stories - A Cargo Named Desire
Jennifer Mattes
Jakub Nepraš
Mike Crane
Ulrike. Das Projekt
Marjam Oskoui
Klaus vom Bruch
Un Chien Délicieux
Ken Feingold
Under Blue
Yao Cong
Under Working Conditions
Andrew Cooke
Annebarbe Kau
Une Terre familière
Marianna Milhorat
Unlike the worm in the apple (Stan Brackhage revisited)
Judith Raum
Untitled (Sex)
Lennaart van Oldenborgh
Vanishing Point
Janet Biggs
Vargtimmen – After a Scene by Ingmar Bergman
Georg Tiller
Venus to Penis
Bradley Eros
Aline Mare
Aline Bouvy
John Gillis
Video Apathy
Toby Huddlestone
Barbara Hammann
videØvoid: TexT
David Larcher
Viewers of Optics
Alexander Hahn
Vlog #8998 | Korean Carrot Cake & Our Makeup Routine
Ji Su Kang-Gatto
Voices of the Morning
Meena Nanji
Monica Cook
Mateusz Sadowski
Jean-François Guiton
Walking drunk in high shoes
Anahita Razmi
Walls Have Feelings
Eli Cortiñas
Walzer (Novalis und Beethoven)
Gábor Bódy
Shelly Silver
We Eat the Earth / The World Eats Us
Lucy Pawlak
Wir kennen uns übrigens
Frances Scholz
Wonders Wander
Shu Lea Cheang
Wow and Flutter
Jenny Brady
wśród róż - among roses
Kathrin Maria Wolkowicz
Mahdi Fleifel
You'll miss what's gonna stay
Johanna Domke
Za Żelazną Bramą (Behind the Iron Gate)
Heidrun Holzfeind
Zima (Winter)
Cristina Picchi
Zum Glück gibt es kein Patent
Monika Funke Stern
المجنون الضاحك (The Mad Man's Laughter)
Alaa Mansour
副本人 (Single Copy)
Che-Yu Hsu
屁眼.淫書.速克達 (The Walker)
Su Hui-Yu
日 ''''''';''''''' 記 (TUGGING DIARY)
YAN Wai Yin