Legal Notice
Videonale e.V.
im Kunstmuseum Bonn
Helmut-Kohl-Allee 2
53113 Bonn
Executive board:
Dr. Stephan Berg, Nicolai Besgen, Regina Barunke
Responsible for the content of this website in accordance with § 6 of the Teledienstgesetz und § 10 of the Mediendienste-Staatsvertrag: Tasja Langenbach
Copyright of the images on this website belongs to the relevant artists and photographers, who have granted usage rights for each image to Videonale e.V. The images may not be incorporated into other websites or media without written authorization from Videonale e.V.
Where the authorship of texts appearing on this website is clearly marked (with the name of the author), these texts are subject to copyright. They may not be incorporated into other websites or media without written authorization from Videonale e.V.
The content of linked websites remains the sole responsibility of the respective information providers.
Graphic design and programming:
Büro für Brauchbarkeit