
Constantin Hartenstein &

3… 2… 1…
You close your eyes.
But you’re not closing them – you’re reading.
There are two types of person in the world: those who lead and those who follow.

Which type are you?
Do you want personal and professional success?
Do you long for recognition and power?
You wish you had more self confidence?
Then become an alpha male.
Concentrate on your origin, let yourself be guided and observe. Watch and recognise: The potential to grow lies in everyone.

A video tutorial, like the ones that you find everywhere in 2014. Speaking and guiding with pictures: This is precisely what Constantin Hartenstein is doing with his video work Alpha. A hypnosis with the character of an advertisement meets the spirit of the times; its theme though, goes far back into the ancient world. Past and present are bound together just like sound, image and spectator. The spectator is addressed personally, slowly and in detail. The recurrent slow-motion episodes transfer this tonal aspect to a visual level within its temporality. The contrast between past and current is found within various motifs of presentation. Modern man no longer has a choice. Either he stands in the shadow of others or he himself stands in the light.

Start now – reprogram your mind!
(Hannah Semsarha)

About the video

Title Alpha
Year 2014
Videonale VIDEONALE.15
Length 00:12:22
Format 16:9
Country Germany,
Language English
Courtesy the artist
Specifications color, sound, single-channel video

About the artist

Constantin Hartenstein
  • 1982 in Herzberg, GER.
    Studied at Universität der Künste Berlin, GER, at HBK Braunschweig, GER, and Akademie Vytvarnych Umeni, Prague, CZE