Diary of a Midlife Crisis
Judy Fiskin &
Diary of a Midlife Crisis was the first video made by American artist Judy Fiskin. Created in 1997, it’s a serio-comic video diary about a middle-aged photographer whose fear of moving the video camera provided a metaphor for her feeling of being creatively at a standstill. The video features a cat walking on a tightrope, female Chinese acrobats, and the voice of artist John Baldessari. The emotional climax comes when Fiskin executes her first shaky pan. Diary of a Midlife Crisis provides a meditation on art, ageing, creativity, and the difference between stillness and motion.
Source: diaryofamidlifecrisis.com
About the video
About the artist
Judy Fiskin
- 1945 in Chicago, USA.
Studied at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA, at the University of California, Berkeley, USA, and at the Pomona College, Claremont, USA