Eden's Edge

Gerhard Treml &
Leo Calice &

Without horizon and perspective, the characters of Eden's Edge are moving across static shots of the Californian desert. Remarkable, idiosyncratic concepts of life present themselves on the base of just as unconventional landscapes.

Unconventional, anti conventional – counterculture. The characters are protagonists of these countercultures of the 1960’s. They represent activism, pacifism, spiritual self-discovery and closeness to nature. Today failed concepts and outdated models? Maybe. But only measured by an ideal, whose standards never applied to a 'real' avant garde anyway. All are connected by the locality of the desert, terra incognita and a space free for dreams and the wish for an 'alternative' life. And these paths of life and their histories are not linear narratives. They are rather shaped by curves and detours, but also by freedom. The desert is paradoxical, it is freedom and constraint, hostile to life and a possibility for individual fulfillment – contradictory, like Eden's Edge itself.

The artist duo Treml & Calice shows everything and nothing: the strict top views remain in the far distance, however near the voices may appear, most personal stories are told in stylized landscapes, without horizon or perspective. (Jan Harms)

* We can only show an excerpt of this work in the online archive. For the complete version, please contact the artists.

About the video

Title Eden's Edge
Year 2014
Videonale VIDEONALE.15
Length 00:27:07
Format 16:9
Country Austria, USA,
Language English
Courtesy the artists
Specifications color, sound, single-channel video installation

About the artists

Gerhard Treml
  • 1963 in Salzburg, AUT.
    Studied at the Universität Salzburg, AUT, and at the Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien, AUT
Leo Calice
  • 1980 in St. Gotthard, AUT.
    Studied at the Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien, AUT

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