Real World [still toddling]

Halina Kliem &

Real World [still toddling] is an attempt to chronicle a trip through the hurdles, problems and obstacles of everyday life ‒ as Halina Kliem experiences them in her 'real world'. The work takes a formalist approach to this theme. A running text in a white sans serif font scrolls across a neon green background, written by the imaginary hand of the artist. She gives her thoughts free rein, composing a spontaneous, impulsive and honest diary. Halina Kliem reveals her emotions and describes her experiences, letting us in on what it feels like to still be tottering and toddling through the 'real world' like a small child. Her everyday routine as artist is shaped by deadlines and applications ‒ along with disappointment when, for example, her projects are rejected. Her constant self-doubt makes her reflect on psychoanalysis as an alternative to art. The obstacles that preoccupy her are usually small: when she visits a shop to buy new ink and finds out that it has closed, she almost falls into a depression. She also complains of how lonely it is sitting in front of a computer and vows to be more sociable and outgoing. When her Internet connection works, she takes it as a sign that things will improve in her life. But along the way, she realizes that life is passing her by. (Corina Charlambous)

About the video

Title Real World [still toddling]
Year 2006
Videonale VIDEONALE.11
Length 00:03:04
Format 4:3
Country Germany,
Language No dialog, English
Courtesy the artist
Specifications color, no sound, single-channel video

About the artist

Halina Kliem
  • 1976 in Berlin, GER.
    Studied at the Universität der Künste Berlin, GER, at the Carnegie Mellon University of Art, Pittsburgh, USA, and at the Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg, GER

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