Clemens Krauss &
Benjamin Heisenberg &

Film sequences, taken amateurishly with a handheld camera, are strung together. They document the life of a fictitious character known only as 'Er' (He). The subject is a boy, described as psychopathic, who grows up in a rural environment near the German-Austrian border and blackmails his parents with outbursts of rage and simulated epileptic fits.

A computer-generated voice relates this boy’s history, but in several places the found-footage material does not match the text. Although the voice carries on without a break, scattered film material and coloured areas repeatedly interrupt the individual film sequences. A feeling of uncertainty about the person described creeps up on the viewer and the total lack of emotion in the digitally-generated voice adds to this.

The film material comes from the private collection of Austrian artist Clemens Krauss and German film director Benjamin Heisenberg. Since their adolescence they have created an enormous amount of video material, which they edited in 2011 to produce the film collage ER. (Jennifer Eggert)

About the video

Title ER
Year 2012
Videonale VIDEONALE.14
Length 00:05:15
Format 4:3
Language English
Courtesy the artists
Specifications color, sound, single-channel video

About the artists

Clemens Krauss
  • 1979 in Graz, AUT.
    Studied at the Central St. Martin´s College of Art, London, GBR
Benjamin Heisenberg
  • 1974 in Tübingen, GER.
    Studied at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste München, GER

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