MY BBY 8L3W is a video work about young women who present their pets in front of the camera. The parallel sequences, shown at second intervals, form a visual progression: cats, small dogs, big dogs, their names, breeds, the participants speak to them: »Are you camera shy?« They all use the same phrases, imply the animals are as sweet as a baby, cuddle them as if they were a partner. The climax is reached when the women and their animals can be seen on 30 screens at the same time.

Neozoon shows how important it is for many people to display their property, wether it is alive and sitting on a throne or dead and hung on the wall. (Valerie Reda)

About the video

Title MY BBY 8L3W
Year 2014
Videonale VIDEONALE.15
Length 00:03:00
Format 16:9
Country Germany, France,
Language English
Courtesy Die Künstlerinnen
Specifications color, sound, single-channel video

About the artist


Female art duo founded 2009 in Berlin, GER, and Paris, FRA


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