Mãos Mortas (Dead Hands)

Arthur Tuoto &

At the very beginning of the video voices can be heard. Nothing can be seen. Haltingl off-screen voices discuss their relationship and the depth of their love. The black of the screen is relieved by the dialogue from the film J’entends plus la guitarre (1991, Director: Philippe Garrel). Flickering white spots break through the monochrome black of the screen, just like early cinema films. Suddenly we hear music. It looks as though a second part of the film is about to begin. The screen still stays dark, but with the white flashes stills of Hollywood stars like Marilyn Monroe also appear, conjuring up a previous era of the cinema.

Both the music and the editing suggest movement in the stills. A piano plays the same melody over and over again, waking an association with the musical accompaniment of silent films, strengthening the kinematic effect and lending the pulsating appearance of the images a life of its own. In fact though, the crackling sound recalls the surface noise of a record player which, just like the flickering of the black and white images, seems like interference. The film ends as abruptly as it started. The last photograph catches the kiss of two lovers. The music falls silent. It is dark again. (Christian Mertmann)

About the video

Title Mãos Mortas (Dead Hands)
Year 2012
Videonale VIDEONALE.14
Length 00:05:42
Format 16:9
Country Brazil,
Language French with English subtitles
Courtesy the artist
Specifications b/w, sound, single-channel video

About the artist

Arthur Tuoto
  • 1986 in Curitiba, BRA.